Theistic vs naturalistic evolution


Creationism is the belief that God created man and woman, all forms of life, from in an instant. Theistic proponents, such as Jews, Christians and Muslims often align themselves to this "How we got here" question and confess this is a literal translation of the origin story in Genesis. Advocates of creationism can believe in an old or young-earth model.

Alternatively, you have people who believe in theistic evolution. These people are one's who believe in a divine creator, as well as in evolution. The challenge with this claim is that Darwin proposed a purely unaided, undirected process of natural selection which 'evolved' all life as we know it. That said, the theistic evolutionist sees the process of natural selection but sees it as guided or created as a process by God to make life forms. Biochemists like Francis Collins believe in Christ and theistic evolution. Whomever believes in evolution holds an old-earth model, capable of enough change over time to produce life forms. That said, 

On the other side of the spectrum are naturalistic evolutionist (materialists) who who does not  believe there was any divine creator nor 'overseer' to ensure evolutionary processes produced life as we know it.

It is important to note that both creationism and theistic evolution can either fall within the  


Matt Coffman